Energy Medicine
Image from Energy Codes by Sue Morter
Energy medicine is medicine that assists the body in finding its perfect balance. – Sue Morter
Here is a reminder of the two Laws of Bioenergetics:
1) Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can be changed from one form to another
2) Energy transfer will always proceed in the direction of increased entropy, and the release of “free energy”.
We have been taught these laws form a young age, but what do these mean for our own bodies and working with energy medicine?
As science has showed us, everything is made up of energy and everything in this world is vibrating at different frequencies. This includes you! Because we are completely made up of energy, mastering the energy of our bodies is one the most powerful, healing, and foundational things we can do. As we learn to understand and manage our energetic system we can begin to affect our healing and be the active creator of our own realities.
Not only are our physical bodies offering out a vibration but quantum science is also showing us that the thoughts we have also create vibrations. This means conscious and positive thoughts can have the ability to support our healing. When we can bring our thoughts to a space of joy, love, and gratitude, we can offer healing towards our energetic and physical body.
Subconscious thoughts are running our mind ~90% of the time, while active and conscious thinking is ~10% of the time. So we are very much influenced by the subconscious beliefs and memory patterns stored in the body and mind. When unresolved subconscious emotion exists, it can have an effect on our whole system. There can be limiting beliefs, doubts, and memories that have been imprinted that are effecting us negatively. If left unresolved, these will effect our vibrational frequency and our nervous systems.
The new science of epigenetics is fascinating as well, because it is showing us that the environment that we are in can be more important than the inherited genetic DNA we possess. If we are in a constant state of fight or flight from the past or our memories this will directly affect our environment within our bodies and our present quality of life.
So, if we want to increase our quality of life and we are feeling stuck in old patterns, memories and stories we can use the support of energy medicine to improve our overall health.
There are many different types of energy medicines that have been used for centuries and one of those is sound healing. Sound healing supports the body in coming back to harmony, its natural frequency and energy flow. Sound healing can be through listening to specific music, intentional toning through voice of the sounding of various frequencies, copper bowls, alchemy crystal bowls, and other forms of sound. There can be a release of stored energies through sound frequency and this can support moving subconscious blockages in the body.
It is amazing the tools we have today to offer support in healing our energetic bodies which can offer deep internal and external healing.