
Bring Presence To Your Life

Yoga means union- of mind, body and spirit. It is an ancient healing practice that started in India and is now practiced everywhere in the world. The fast spread of yoga is no surprise as its benefits can be felt instantly from those who practice. 


  • Bring your presence from on your mat to all areas of your life  

  • Create more space in your body

  • Connection to your breath

  • Increased energy and vitality 

  • Increased flexibility 

  • Build strength

  • Relaxation 


Yoga Offerings


I offer 75 minute private and group sessions for all levels.
We will create a program specific to what you or your group is working on or looking for in terms of practice.


All Levels

A flow that is accessible for everyone- modifications always offered

Slow flow

An intentionally slow moving flow- cultivating presence and strength


Syncing breath to movement, faster paced and a beautiful dance-like practice


Holding postures from 3-7 minutes, targets the deep connective tissues